

 Barr-Melej Publishes Essay on Chile and the ‘Global 1968’


在他最近发表的文章《newbb电子平台》中? Politics, Culture, and the Zeitgeist of ’68,” Dr. 帕特里克Barr-Melej, Professor of History and Interim Executive Director of the 国际研究中心, 作为《newbb电子》(圣母大学出版社)文集的一部分,他探索了1968年的智利, 2021). 集合, edited by James McAdams (Notre Dame) and Anthony Monta (Holy Cross College), features contributions by distinguished historians, 电影制作人, 音乐, 文学学者, 和小说家.

从墨西哥城到巴黎,甚至更远, 1968年发生了大规模的抗议活动, 政治暴力, 新值的断言, and explosions of artistic expression that together challenged dominant structures, 意识形态, 以及冷战时期的敏感性.

对于Barr-Melej, 的政治, 社会, and cultural history of Chile during Latin America’s “long 1960s” (1959–73), 古巴革命和军事政变终结了马克思主义总统萨尔瓦多·阿连德的“智利社会主义之路”,“提供了一个深入了解1968年和1968年现象的时代精神或精神的深刻视角。. 鉴于智利的某些行为者和事件反映了1968年的时代精神并对其作出了贡献, Barr-Melej坚持认为,将1968年转变为1968年的许多重要因素在美国的表现有所不同, 规模更小吗, 或者只是没有展开.

为了说明, Barr-Melej着眼于1967-68年的一场大学改革运动,该运动在中间派政府的领导下实现了其直接目标——这种情况与墨西哥城或巴黎的学生抗议者完全不同. And although 1968 saw bouts of unrest and conflict in the streets of Santiago, 通常是激进的年轻人与警察对抗, 这样的喷发是小而短暂的, did not significantly impede the rhythms of life in the capital or elsew在这里, 它们大多是政党和集团之间正在进行的辩论和立法斗争的产物, 他认为.

Barr-Melej指出,塑造智利1968年经历的一个关键因素是缺乏深刻而危险(或有希望)的改革, (取决于某人的位置)僵局感, 这是一个复杂的问题, contributing factor leading to 1968’s explosiveness in Paris, 墨西哥城, 以及其他情况. This was the case in Chile notwithstanding deep frustration voiced by workers, 各种学生和青年团体, 还有其他选区, especially on the more radical (and radicalizing) Left, regarding systemic elements of the country’s political culture and socioeconomic architecture.

“民主和多元化的特质构成了左翼政党几十年来认真参与的选举环境, Chile’s pre-1973 political culture afforded space, 尽管竞争激烈, for the rise and development of radical politics, 包括年轻人,Barr-Melej解释道.

自20世纪20年代以来, political democratization was interrupted in just a few instances, like the banning of the Communist Party from the late ‘40s to the late ‘50s. 一般来说, Chile’s political culture since the 1930s essentially had provided a mechanism—a pressure valve, let’s say—that channeled postwar revolutionary energies into mainstream politics, 直到20世纪70年代早期都是如此. We don’t see this in France or Mexico on the eve of ’68, for example.”

The essay is partially connected to Barr-Melej的最新著作, 迷幻的智利:青春, 反主流文化, and Politics on the Road to Socialism and Dictatorship (University of North Carolina Press, 2017), which has drawn considerable attention and acclaim in Chile. In 2017, Psychedelic Chile was named a “Book to Highlight” by the high-circulation Santiago newspaper La Tercera.

Barr-Melej在加州大学伯克利分校获得历史学博士学位,教授拉丁美洲历史课程, 世界历史, 和史学. 他著有两本书和许多关于智利历史的文章和论文,并受邀在世界各地的机构发表演讲. Barr-Melej也为智利政府评估拨款提案,并在智利学术期刊的编辑委员会任职.

Barr-Melej Spotlighted in Chilean Rock-Music Magazine

Dr. 帕特里克Barr-Melej, Professor of History and Interim Executive Director of the 国际研究中心, 他接受了智利音乐杂志《newbb电子》的采访,为最近一期关于摇滚音乐和智利音乐偶像Víctor的特别版做准备.

Dr. 帕特里克Barr-Melej, Professor of History and Interim Executive Director of the 国际研究中心, 他接受了智利音乐杂志《newbb电子》的采访,为最近一期关于摇滚音乐和智利音乐偶像Víctor的特别版做准备.

Jara, who was murdered by the emergent military regime of Gen. 1973年的奥古斯托·皮诺切特, was a revolutionary activist and key figure in Chile’s Nueva Canción (New Song) movement, known for its strongly folkloric rhythms and lyrics that spoke of and to the working class and poor. While remembered and still celebrated internationally for his folk music and Marxist credentials, Jara’s musical tastes and friendships were more complex than many assume today, Barr-Melej在Rockaxis中解释道.

Barr-Melej的最新著作, "迷幻的智利:青春, 反主流文化, and Politics on the Road to Socialism and Dictatorship"  (2017), 该书深入研究了摇滚音乐及其在马克思主义总统萨尔瓦多·阿连德(1970-73)执政期间的影响。, 注意到哈拉对摇滚音乐的热情——一种他的马克思主义者同伴倾向于以资产阶级的身份直接拒绝的音乐类型, 帝国主义, 文化空虚.

Psychedelic Chile has drawn considerable attention and acclaim in Chile. In 2017, 例如, the work was named a “Book to Highlight” by the large Santiago newspaper La Tercera. In 2020, Barr-Melej was an invited guest (virtually) at the Allende Foundation in Santiago, 在1970年阿连德赢得智利总统选举50周年纪念活动中,他就阿连德执政时期的青年文化和政治发表了演讲.

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Kendhammer Named Senior Research Advisor at RESOLVE Network

Dr. 布兰登Kendhammer, 政治学副教授,国际研究中心国际发展研究项目主任, 被任命为RESOLVE网络“向地方建设和平方法学习”倡议的高级研究顾问. 

Housed at the US Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C., the RESOLVE Network is a global consortium of researchers, 研究机构, 政策制定者, and 从业人员 committed to empirically driven, locally defined research on the drivers of violent extremism and sources of 社会适应力. International stakeholders established RESOLVE to generate, 促进, 总, 并且在方法上合理地综合, locally informed research on the dynamics of violent extremism. 

RESOLVE是研究人员的资源中心, 从业人员, 政策制定者需要细致入微, 多学科, empirical approaches to analyze the drivers of violent extremism and sources of 社会适应力. RESOLVE的工作通过建立联系和提出关键问题来加强和告知P/CVE研究,为暴力极端主义提供了关键见解, 政策, 和实践. 

Dr. Kendhammer, 最近,她是《newbb电子》(newbb电子平台出版社)的合著者,曾担任RESOLVE乍得湖盆地倡议项目的首席研究员,该项目旨在探索全球反恐战争和博科圣地叛乱如何影响喀麦隆的穆斯林大学生. He is a leading expert on religion, governance, and conflict in West Africa. 

Supported with funding from USAID’s Africa Bureau, “向地方建设和平办法学习倡议”是一项多年努力,旨在调查和确定建设和平之间的联系, 治理与人权, 社会适应力, and countering violent extremism at the local levels, 以及地方冲突解决机制和传统和习惯当局的作用. 

“Dr. 肯德哈默与RESOLVE网络的合作表明了他对newbb电子学术和让世界变得更美好的坚定承诺,”医生说。. 帕特里克Barr-Melej, CIS interim executive director. “他是这所大学的荣誉, 他的成就说明了newbb电子平台从事国际研究和教学的教职员工拥有丰富而深厚的知识和专业知识.”

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LeRiche participates in Webinar hosted by South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, 公共, 人权 & 国际法(SAIFAC)

Dr. Matthew LeRiche, Assistant Professor, Global Studies and Director of the War & 和平计划和全球领导中心参加了南非高等宪法研究所, 公共, 人权 and International Law (SAIFAC) hosted by the 约翰内斯堡大学. 网络研讨会探讨了南苏丹的战争罪行. 

LeRiche的讲话集中在南苏丹混合战争罪法庭的发展上,他讨论了关键问题和考虑因素,以适当地将法庭置于背景下,以及地方合法性对南苏丹的稳定和未来的重要性.  The session was hosted in collaboration with KAS-Africa, at the 约翰内斯堡大学 会议可以观看  在这里

LeRiche是这本书的合著者, 《newbb电子》,,由赫斯特出版社出版. and Oxford University Press, explains how South Sudan became the world’s newest state. 他还撰写了和平协议后武装团体整合的方法,以及冲突后安全部门改革的其他方面,作为和平建设的一部分. 除了, LeRiche works as adviser on defense education supporting security sector reform programming. 更多信息可在 全球领导力中心网站.

Kingori Selected for Academic, Research Fellowship in 肯尼亚

Dr. 卡洛琳Kingori, 他是newbb电子平台健康科学与专业学院的副教授和临时副院长, has been awarded a 访问ing Professor Fellowship in 肯尼亚.

今年晚些时候,金戈里将离开 肯雅塔大学 to support academic activities and work on public health education and research. 对于Kingori, 谁在内罗毕出生长大, 肯尼亚, 这个机会已经酝酿多年. Her project will last roughly 80 days, September to December 2021.

奖学金是由 The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). 该组织为散居海外的非洲学者和非洲大陆的学者提供各种合作机会, as well as enhance cooperation among African Universities and those in the West. CODESRIA旨在加强非洲高等教育中社会科学和人文学科的教学和研究. 


“给n my interests in reproductive and sexual health, I was drawn to this university because they recently developed this new department in 2018. 也, t在这里’re a lot of opportunities for growth in their curricular and research priorities,金戈里说.

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